House price gap

Large differences in house prices suggests inequality within a community.

How we measure it:

  • The gap between the highest and lowest priced houses within the community

The Inter Quartile Range (IQR) of the house price for all houses sold in the previous three years. The IQR is used to avoid skews for particularly cheap and expensive properties.

(Land Registry)

Independent schools

A stronger presence of independent schools may have a negative impact on educational equality.

How we measure it:

  • Distance to nearest independent school

Distance to the nearest independent school. This was weighted separately for London and the South East due to a much higher supply in those two regions.
(Geolytix Education pack)


Disparity in types of qualifications may cause inconsistent job opportunities and earning potential.

How we measure it:

  • Degree-level qualifications versus no qualifications

The absolute difference between the proportion of the population with a degree and the proportion of the population with no qualifications. A large score represents a less equal community, skewed to one or other end of the scale.
(Census 2011, ONS)

How we measure wellbeing

Our research identified nine areas that matter for community wellbeing. These are grouped into People, Place and Relationships.


  • Education & Learning

    The availability of good, accessible, affordable services to help all ages make the most of education and learning opportunities.

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  • Health

    Access to good quality public, voluntary, and social care services that promote physical and mental health in the community.

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  • Economy, Work & Employment

    Services and infrastructure in place to promote a sustainable, ethical, inclusive economy that meets the needs of local people.

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  • Culture, heritage and leisure

    Access to affordable and inclusive cultural and leisure activities, services and amenities which celebrate the diverse histories of people in the community.

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  • Transport, mobility and connectivity

    Access to affordable and sustainable transport and communication networks for everyone, especially those with disabilities.

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  • Housing, Space & Environment

    Affordable, secure, quality housing, a safe and clean surrounding environment, and well-kept, accessible and inclusive public spaces for people of all ages.

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  • Relationships & Trust

    The state of family, social and community relationships and the impact of any breakdown in trust on issues like crime.

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  • Equality

    Equal and fair opportunities for everyone, regardless of ethnicity, religion, colour, age, ability, sexuality, gender, income etc. Services and infrastructure in place to promote equality, equity and fairness.

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  • Voice & Participation

    Democratic governance and decision-making mechanisms in place to allow people to express themselves and take either individual or collective action to improve the local community and beyond.

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